It's been eight months since I last posted and that was a terrible mistake because my life has been rich with happenings.
First you will notice the new website - sure hope you like it and I would love any feedback you could give. I cannot give enough kudos to my web site service provider Square space, call that an endorsement, They have made it so any one can have a good looking web site on a really small budget.
Secondly I have put that time to use, 7 new designs have leaped from my drawing board, been manhandled in the shop a bit, and then finessed to a state of "ready for the public". It has been a bit of a whirlwind, some of these designs went through three prototypes before I was satisfied. The Torii mirror and the deco table lamp Had been languishing for some time, sometimes it's that last 10% that is the hardest.The other five designs are all bit derivative of the square Asa No Ha pattern or I could say building upon a base. What ever the case when one the muse's has you in a headlock, the best course of action is to whisper thanks and plow forward.
Thank you all and I look forward to hearing from you.
Thomas Vogel